5 Ways to Build Employee Confidence and Increase Engagement  

Leaders and human resource managers build a high level of employee engagement and confidence to create a productive workplace environment. As a leader, whether you are a manager, supervisor, or team lead, it is your duty to encourage employee morale, including attitude, feedback, and satisfaction. During the Covid-19 pandemic, corporations and businesses had to transition and develop effective ways for engaging their personnel.

The task was complex at the beginning of the pandemic, especially for companies without the technologies to continue operations virtually. Employers implemented engaging online activities comprising team building, team meetings, conduct assessment, counseling, and other learning and interactive engagements. (1) You can control and create a culture in the workplace that builds positive employee morale.

Advantages of Building Employee Morale:

  • Increased productivity.
  • Boost in sales for products and services that increase profits.
  • Higher level of customer satisfaction.
  • Builds trust between the employees and leaders.
  • Creates transparency throughout the entire workplace environment.

Research studies prove that practiced employee morale in the workplace has a positive effect on employees’ job performance and productivity. You want to ensure a cultural attitude that ensures all employees of your organization are giving their best efforts. Your primary focus should be to continuously reinforce the importance of committing to the company’s goals and values.

Your employees have to trust their leaders and see transparency in the workplace. You must avoid showing any kind of favoritism and treat each employee equally with respect. It will ultimately increase customer satisfaction and increase sales and profits.

Five Tips to Help You Build Confidence and Increase Engagement of Your Employees

1. Empower Your Team with Training and Resources

When your employees receive training and have resources to help them fulfill their duties and responsibilities, the results are confidence and empowerment. Employers can experience a high rate of employee turnover because their team members lack training or received incorrect training. Training helps to build confidence, and it ensures each employee knows what to do and how to perform all assigned tasks. (2)

2. Communicate Efficiently to Team Leaders and Members

Effective communication between team members and leaders helps to build trust and confidence. It encourages engagement to resolve internal and external issues in the workplace. If your employees know they can communicate with you openly and regularly, the outcome is an increase in productivity and engagement. Set up weekly team meetings to have open discussions about improvements within the organization to make it a better workplace environment.

3. Use Recognition and Reward Incentives

Human resource managers and leaders should use recognition and reward incentives to uplift their employees for a job well done. It shows them that their works are valuable to the organization and keeps them motivated to perform their best daily. You can recognize your employees with recognition certificates or plaques and rewards, such as gift cards.

4. Provide Ethical Training to the Employees and Management

Ethical training helps to create a thriving workplace culture to cultivate principles, making it fair and safe. It teaches ethical behavior, the importance of customer privacy and data protection, and code of conduct. You and your employees will learn about customer relations and the significance of customer satisfaction.

5. Offer Fair Compensation and Benefits

Employees and management work more productively when they receive fair pay for their work. Benefits, such as health insurance with wellness programs and investment plans, help to increase employee engagement and confidence. Health benefits and fair compensation are definitely ways to encourage and motivate your employees.

The psychological approach for engaging employees involves their emotional, cognitive, and physical engagement in the workplace. (3) You have the obligation to provide for your employees’ needs in training and building a friendly and positive environment, while they are at work. It will influence them to contribute to the organization and commit to reaching the company’s desired goals.

Despite the pandemic, employers are implementing virtual and outdoor activities to engage their employees and their family members. From virtual learning to stress relief webinars and lunch video conferences, human resource managers and organizations are getting more creative. Millions of workers are returning to the workplace after receiving Covid-19 vaccines, but the online engagement activities will remain active. It is a trend that will continue in coming years for improving morale, careers, and the cultural environment.


1 Chanana, N., Sangetta. (2020, October 1). Employee Engagement Practices During COVID-19 Lockdown. NCBI US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7536939/

2 Knight, R. (2018, April 25). How to Manage an Insecure Employee. Harvard University Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2018/04/how-to-manage-an-insecure-employee

3 Osborne, S., Hammond, M. (2017). Effective Employee-Engagement in the Workplace. International Journal of Applied Management and Technology, Walden University. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1239&context=ijamt