A Coalition’s Mission to End Human Trafficking: An Interview With Sue Flynn

As part of of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we talked with our very own Sue Flynn to highlight a cause near and dear to her; NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking — a volunteer run organization whose goal is to end sex and labor trafficking in NJ.

1) Tell us about NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking.  

The NJCAHT is a volunteer run organization whose goal is to end sex and labor trafficking in NJ. With over 180 affiliate organizations, NJCAHT provides education, awareness, training, survivor services and support to prevent trafficking and support those affected by it.  

2) What is your role with NJCAHT? What attracted you to this cause?  

As a part of one of the early member organizations, I was part of the grass roots movement to build the Coalition. I am the co-chair of the NJ SOAP (Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution) committee which is an ongoing initiative to identify missing children, educated hotels on human trafficking, provide skills to the hotels to report HT and provide the National Human Trafficking Hotline number to guests of the hotel that may be in a victim situation. I am co-chair on the legislative committee which advocates for legislation in NJ intended to educate our neighbors, help survivors, and end demand. Also, I am a member of the operating committee. 

3) What are the challenges with human trafficking?

Human Trafficking is the 2nd most profitable crime after drug and gun trafficking. Since drugs and guns are sold once and humans can be sold multiple times, Human trafficking is profitable and it is extremely hard to end demand. Human Trafficking will not stop until demand is ended.  

4) What do you think people should know about trafficking?  

Human Trafficking happens everywhere and it can affect anyone but everyone can help prevent it. Education and awareness is the key to helping the vulnerable and provide skills for victims and survivors to identify their situation and begin the road to help and healing.

5) How can people support this cause?

  1. Understand that Human Trafficking has no borders, put the National Human Trafficking Hotline Number in your phone and learn the RED FLAG signs.  888-373-7888 or Text BEFREE
  2. Educate yourself and youth about Human Trafficking
  3. Buy Fair Trade Products
  4. Contact SOAP and get involved with a local outreach.
  5. Donate to the NJCAHT

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