Creating a Resilient Workplace with Wanido

Building a resilient team can add increased benefits to work productivity and overall team function. In this blog, PeopleStrategy brings in our partner Wanido to discuss the importance of creating a resilient workplace and how they can help.

A Requirement for Creating a Resilient Workplace is to Invest in Your Employees

According to a global survey of 100,000+ employees, worker depression, stress, and anxiety was over 82 percent of all mental health cases in Employee Assistance Programs in 2014. The percentage rate is even higher in 2020 to 2021 since the pandemic. Some companies fail because their workplace is dysfunctional, with no structure or healthy environment to make the employees feel safe and valued. If you are a human resource professional leader or office administrator, understanding the needs of your company’s employees is significant for creating a resilient workplace. It will require an investment that will benefit the entire company by helping you and your employees develop skills to use in their personal and professional life.

What is Resilience in the Workplace?

Resilience is the ability of an employee, a leader, or team to withstand difficult failures and bounce back quicker with better results and ideas. The psychology field defines the term as adapting well to stress, financial, and workplace problems. In the workplace, it is proactive stress management that teaches your employees how to build abilities and mindful skills to prepare them for any kind of crisis.

Leaders must have thorough resilience training and leadership skills to create a resilient workplace environment. Training teaches team members how to cope with challenges and setbacks in different ways. It empowers you and teams to learn how to develop long-lasting skills daily. The ideal employees are the individuals who made prior mistakes and continued to thrive and learn to improve their resilience skills. They can build a company up or contribute to its downfall due to lack of training, poor work ethic, and an unhealthy environment.

Organizational health is a company’s ability to effectively function, overcome adversity, respond to change, and continue to grow. Wanido’s platform acts as an ongoing scorecard to help companies understand their organizational health. It helps employers build a relationship with each employee while offering tools to support their well-being both personally and professionally. When employees are happy, healthy, and engaged so is the company’s bottom line. Characteristics that Builds Resilience

  • Balance
  • Ability to manage emotions
  • Optimism
  • Strong support system socially

Wanido ScreenshotWhat is Wanido?

Wanido is the first workforce analytics platform to provide real-time insight into the well-being of each employee population. By understanding how to best support its people, a company will increase productivity and profitability while decreasing absenteeism and employee turnover. Wanido focuses on the elements of culture, health and finance because stress within these areas is shown to decrease performance. Success in these areas are key when building a resilient workplace.


Seven Tips That are Helpful for Creating a Resilient Workplace

  • Listen to your employees and make them feel valued at the workplace. It is the beginning of forming lasting working relationships with the workforce. Get to know the names of each employee and allow them to participate in discussion and provide feedback on a particular project or task.
  • Understand that each employee and team member have different needs that may require a change in the workforce. An employee, for example, may need change because of stigma or embarrassment of a mental or physical health condition.
  • Develop an adaptable mindset as a leader to embrace new technology and novel ways for recruiting to avoid employee turnovers. Your company culture is essential for resolving disputes and creating a friendly environment for you and the employees. The workplace should be safe and productive, with reasonable breaks to re-energize and clear your thoughts. You can create an environment based on data showing how your employees are responding culturally.
  • Build a community within your organization as the foundation of the cultural workplace to interact with the employees. Develop good listening skills to motivate the employees to engage in the workplace. Open the floor for them to provide feedback on improvements for smoother operations and functions. A priority for all leaders is to be ready to act quickly when an issue occurs.
  • Work with your team to build working relationships in a friendly atmosphere and create unity. Allow them to share their ideas and provide feedback, which leads to innovation and creativity. You and teams can share updates on upcoming events, topics, and expertise to help with building work relationships.
  • Acknowledge team efforts and the accomplishments of your employees. It will help keep them motivated and loyal to the company and let them know how much their work is valuable.
  • Have your employees complete automated surveys to provide feedback in real time. Surveys comprise helpful analytical data you can use to make improvements in management processes and other areas of an organization. But be careful not to rely solely on survey data as timing, comfort level, and apathy all influence results.

Wanido Screenshot 2Culture, health, and finance can have an enormous impact on the overall job performance and the wellbeing of your employees. To ensure your workforce is safe and successful, Wanido’s analytics can provide you with a thorough understanding of organizational health. You will learn which areas of well-being employees need further support to improve overall well-being and ultimately productivity and profitability.

Escalating Resilience at Work

Richard Fernandez, a renowned author at Harvard Business Review, points to stress and burnout as risks for employees working in a fast-paced environment. He reported that the World Health Organization describes stress as a global epidemic of the 21st century. Fernandez says the most resilient employees and teams are the ones that fail, learn, and continue to thrive. He believes you should challenge your employees as a part of activating resilience as a skill set. Over 50 years of research suggest that attitudes, behaviors, and social supports play an important role in building the culture in the workplace.

Ways You Can Increase Resilience at Work

  • Receive mental training practices to exercise your mindfulness skills. It will enable you to make accurate, predictable judgments and provide insight into resolving problems or conflicts in the workplace. It helps to ease job performance and engage employees to work productively.
  • Allow breaks during the workdays for you and your team to rejuvenate and relax the mind. You and your employees will think clearly and produce quality work.
  • Develop mental gracefulness by taking the time to pause, reflect, and shift views to create alternatives and make wiser decisions.
  • Cultivate compassion for yourself and others in the workplace. It is important for the wellbeing of your company to have compassion for each other. Based on research, compassion helps to develop positive working relationships and emotions. You will see a difference in employee cooperation and collaboration.

The best investment you can make in your company is to broaden your employees’ skills sets and behaviors in the workplace that enable resilience. Your business can benefit if you build a cultural environment catering to the needs of the organization and the employees. Wanido offers a workforce analytics platform to measure the health of the company and employee performance.

Why Choose Wanido?

Wanido Screenshot 3Wanido’s data provides an opportunity to focus your benefit and engagement strategy in the areas where employees are needing support. It removes the guesswork. Building a culture of well-being and supporting the areas your specific population needs help, right now, will ultimately reduce turnover and unproductive time. The constant pulse on well-being helps you get ahead of barriers for productivity and growth proactively rather than reactively. Making more educated employee decisions is better for employees but it’s also better for business.

Often companies overlook hidden costs involved in restricted performance due to poor well-being lack of resilience. Let Wanido uncover the ways your business can improve and become more resilient by knowing where to focus your well-being and culture efforts.

Learn more at Wanido