What is your people strategy?

Any business leader knows that the members of their workforce are without a doubt their greatest asset. (And if they don't, well, frankly, they may find that they don't remain leaders of their companies for much longer.)

"How do you maximize your organization's greatest resource – the workforce?"

Your responsibility as an overseer and steward of the talent on your roster is to maximize the value of their knowledge and skills for the greater good of your bottom line, of course. But if you don't also provide the resources for your staff to thrive in an environment conducive to success and satisfaction, any revenue you build up will come at the expense of employee morale – and ultimately your profitability takes major hits if in-office discontent leads to poor performance, burnout and turnover.

Taking that into account, it's clear you need a viable plan for assembling and maintaining a great workforce – a "people strategy," if you will. Wait a minute, isn't that – yes, that's the joke. But in all seriousness, whatever your people strategy may be, the PeopleStrategy human capital management bundled solution offers exactly what your organization needs to perfectly realize those plans.

What is your people strategy?However you plan to maximize the value of your staff, PeopleStrategy has the benefit offerings and tech features you need to fully realize those plans.

Optimizing the recruitment and onboarding processes 

Recruiting and onboarding represent the first glimpses of your organization's culture and atmosphere for new hires. On your end, these processes are opportunities to begin maximizing personnel value from the get-go by bringing on individuals who represent the absolute cream of the crop. Quantifiable data reflects the value of this: According to research from Glassdoor, businesses investing in a premier candidate experience improve the quality of the hires they bring on by 70 percent.

PeopleStrategy's bundled solution makes recruiting more efficient for hiring managers through features including application screening and assessment, instant posting of your listings to hundreds of job sites and coordinated interview scheduling. Onboarding also becomes a breeze through automated I-9 and E-Verify compliance processes, entirely paperless operations for optimal streamlining and much more.

Ensuring a positive work-life balance 

Some organizations aim to optimize the staff experience by offering the means for a healthy work-life balance, and with good reason: Forbes contributor and career coach Ashley Stahl noted the importance of this division to workers' physical and mental health, and 53 percent of respondents to Gallup's State of the American Workplace 2017 questionnaire said a role allowing for stable work-life balance was very valuable to them.

In this respect, PeopleStrategy offers a two-fold advantage: Clients receive a benefits package directly from PeopleStrategy to offer their employees as well as the tools essential to administering it via our eHCM platform, even during the most intense, hectic open enrollment periods. Your workers will know they have the health coverage to support them in injury or illness and that they can easily keep track of their pay (and related documents like W-2s) and schedule vacation time through the eHCM solution's employee portal.

Minimizing administrative workloads

Part of bringing out the best in your personnel involves ensuring they have the time and tools to focus on efforts most beneficial to the organization (and, if possible, most fulfilling for their individual development as well). Streamlining, automating and simplifying administrative processes essential to HR can go a long way toward affording that department's personnel more time to directly interact with employees. Also, this allows the entire workforce more time for strategic initiatives to improve the business's services as well as its overall environment.

Whatever objectives you wish to achieve for your staff – your greatest resource – PeopleStrategy's bundled HCM solution can be the final piece in that puzzle.